Before contributing, please make sure to read the guidelines below.
When contributing, please make sure that any textual content is formatted using the Markdown. For advanced use cases where Markdown is not adequate, you may also include raw HTML. Even if you have never heard of Markdown before, you might already be familiar with its syntax. On overview can be found here, and a basic cheat sheet can be found below. If you get stuck, or need help converting your content to Markdown, feel free to reach out!
# This is a header
And here is some normal, *cursive* and **bold** text.
You can also embed code: `console.log("Hello dragon!")`.
Let's also not forget [links]( and images: .
## This is a second level header
The header above is going to appear smaller than the first header at the top.
To go down a header level, simply add another hashtag. Below is a list!
- # Header 1
- ## Header 2
- ### Header 3
You can also do numbered lists.
1. Hello!
2. Hallo!
3. Bonjour!
Or even a table!
| Feature | Humans | Dragons |
| Mythical | No | Yes |
| Drives Cars | Yes | No |
In any case, the ownership and copyright of your own content will always stay with you. Even when you decide to contribute it to Dragon Guide, there is no transfer of ownership to speak of. What you do agree to upon contributing your content, is that you license us to copy, redistribute and remix your contributions. You will also allow us to sublicense your work under our own license. More info regarding the license we use can be found in the legal section.
We very much welcome contributions, even if you are contributing on behalf of another person. We do need to ask you, however, that you have permission from the owner of creator of that content. Sometimes, the creator will mention alongside the content whether they permit copying and sharing. If not, then it is also possible to ask them explicitly. If it is not clear whether you have permission, or if you are unable to ask the owner for permission, please contact us. In such an instance, we will decide on a case-by-case basis.
Sometimes, in the interest of significance or preservation, you may be willing to contribute content for which you do not own the copyright. Generally, if it is not reasonably possible to ask for permission from the copyright owner, and if it is considered fair use, we consider this to be okay. Fair use is defined as having the following characteristics.
Generally, we trust our contributors to judge what is and is not fair use. With that said, we may remove content that very clearly would not be fair use (e.g. pirated movies and books) and do process DMCA requests. If there is another reason content needs to be removed, such as personal reasons or inaccuracies, we would like to hear about it as well.
There are several ways to submit your contributions. Choose the one that is the most applicable to your situation.
If you have an account with us, you will be able to directly edit (some of) the contents on the website using our built-in editor. Changes you make will be visible instantly. As such, only trusted contributors will be able to make use of this method.
If you do not have an account, but still want to contribute, you can simply contact us and ask for your content to be added. Make sure to include the content exactly as you want it to appear on the page. We will send you a preview before me publish it.
We sync the contents of the site to our public GitHub repository as a back-up strategy. However, this syncing is actually bi-directional. As such, you can choose to commit your content to the repository on GitHub. Once you open up a pull request, and it gets approved, it will show up on the site. Please note that some technical knowledge about Git is required to use GitHub and contribute content this way.
At Dragon Guide, we value contributions in the form of history, insights, experiences and other forms of wisdom the most. An alternative way to contribute, however, would be through a donation. Any money we receive will be invested into the website. Examples would be server hosting, file storage and back-up strategies. More more information on how to donate, please contact us. Donations are not intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation (non-commercial).